Friday, January 06, 2006

As Good As It Gets

Our little angels are becoming more and more animated, and we are loving it! At first, they only smiled accidentally, in a reflex or a response to gas. But now, they're locking eyes with us and giving long, full facial SMILES. And I'm not talking smirks, I'm talking joy-filled all-gum smiles that melt your heart! It's a great reward for late night feedings, irrational and inconsolable crankiness and diapers that should qualify as EPA Superfund sites.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Girls' First Noel

It seems every line of baby clothing has a wealth of 'My First Christmas' onesies, bibs, hats and such. (And we have plenty, to be sure.) But the funny thing is, it's probably not till the second Christmas that the baby really gives a rip.

As you can see, Rachel cares that it's Christmas, but "only this much."

But what she REALLY cares about is nuzzling with people who love her.

"Ho ho ho!!!"