Saturday, July 08, 2006

Our 2 Sugar Princesses LOVE The Beach!

Anna - we only had one swimsuit, so we rotated who wore it each day :)
Our little marine biologists checking out the seaweed - just like Daddy!
Matt Wilson with Rachel and Anna with Daddy

Rachel discovers sand for the first time
Anna - several times she planted her face straight down into the sand and seemed to love it! Of course, everyone around us thought we were crazy, but hey, they were happy!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Beautiful Rachel - 8 months old

\Anna, Mary, Rachel, Betty on Wild Animal Safari bus

Betty and Rachel share a tender moment.

Anna's happy smile!

Anna eating prunes for the first time - "Yum, yum - I'm making a surprise for you!" Boy, did we under estimate the power of prunes!