Friday, August 08, 2008

Rachel and her good friend Lily. We have a weekly playgroup w/several of the women in my small group who have 2-3 yr olds.
Rachel and Mommy at our church picnic at Stone Mountain.
Rachel (L) and Anna (R) perched high on a wall.
As good as it gets family pic - thanks, Mom!
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July Picnic

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Visiting Big Momma - Mary's paternal grandmother - in Saluda, NC. Emma B. has recently decided to move to Atlanta in October. While we're sad for her to be moving away from her friends and community in Saluda, we're excited to have her closer for more frequent visits. We're praying for a smooth transition.
After two weeks away, Daddy and GaBee (Betty) came home!!
Big Mama gave us the coolest gifts!
Life is better upside down.
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Anna and Betty bake muffins together by the morning light. We're so blessed to have so many grandparents close and available!
Our 2nd family camping trip - in June - Troy, Trina, and Uncle Phil joined us and shared the load - yeah!

While Daddy was in Tajikistan, the girls and I headed to NC - here they are enjoying playing Trader Joe's at a children's museum near Aunt Lindsey's house.
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June Smiles

Both girls have heavily prefered dresses this summer, which has been adorable and also has kept me ironing :) Anna - Left and Rachel - right posing in their summer duds.
Rachel with her backpack - heading to summer school
A happy Anna.
Anna - L, Rachel - R - playing in the rain.
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Our first family camping trip in May 08 - Raven Cliff Falls - the girls did pretty well - loved climbing trees, helping mommy collect sticks for the fire. Here's Rachel on a tree and flower-child Anna.

Anna lovinngly places a flower behind Rachel's ear.
The girls have been into watercolor painting recently.
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Thursday, August 07, 2008

July Fun

A very serious tea party with African and Kurdish friends.
We went poopy in the potty and "won" these earrings! Anna Lefft, Rachel Right
We spent a long weekend outside of Beaufort SC with Adam's college marine science buddies. It was so fun to explore the marsh and beach with the girls. They loved crab-hunting and even wanted to read their Bible to the crabs :) Here's Rachel posing at sunset.
The environment around the house where we stayed was so unusual for them and just gorgeous - coastal living is nice! Here the girls are exploring and pointing at boats out on the wide "river".
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