Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Lost Months

We love Dr. Alli, our pediatrician!
Anna - left, and Rachel - right at their 6 month visit (before the shots :)

Anna lifting weights - 5 months
Thanks, Uncle John, for the beautiful silver rattles!
(I'll figure out how to rotate this picture one day :)

Rachel in Jumper at 5 months - March '06
Both Rachel and Anna have adored their door jumpers since they were 3 months old and been happy in them for an hour at a time - such a blessing! They've just recently started jumping more aggressively and giggle when they get a really good jump.

Anna in bath at 5 mos - Feb 06
The girls still don't really play in the tub; they're really ambivalent about it - don't complain or seem to especially enjoy it - good thing since they're lucky if they get a bath twice a week - hey, I have twins!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! More pictures!!!!
They are so cute, what fun little expressions they have...

4:20 PM

Blogger Sircellan said...

My kids get bathed twice a week in the warmer weather and once a week when all they do is stay home or take a trip to the store all day. I used to bathe my son every day. That was before I moved and had several other things to do with my time! It's not like you let them play in mud every day all day. :-)

2:15 PM


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